< Master index Index for Src/Level_2 >

Index for Src/Level_2

Matlab files in this directory:

 cosnov_2dCOSNOV_2D : Constructs the 2D (local mesh ---> global mesh) map
 errors_2dERRORS_2D Computes errors for 2D b.v.p.
 listeLISTE Assembles lists of internal, boundary, interface nodes.
 liste1LISTE1 Assembles lists of internal, boundary, interface nodes (similar to liste)
 mesh_2dMESH2D Uniform 2D SEM mesh on rectangular domain Omega=(xa,xb) x (ya,yb)
 neumannbcNEUMANNBC Adds Neumann data to r.h.s.
 normah1_2dNORMAH1_2D Computes H1-norm in 2D
 normal2_2dNORMAL2_2D Computes L2-norm in 2D
 plot_sem_2dPLOT_SEM_2D Plots SEM numerical solution of 2D boundary value problems
 setfun_lap_2dSETFUN_LAP_2D Sets functions and coefficients for lap_2d
 stiff_2d_seSTIFF_2D_SE Assembles 2D global SEM matrix associated to (nabla(phi_j), nabla(phi_i))_N
 stiff_2d_spSTIFF_2D_SP Computes 2D local SEM matrix associated to (nabla(phi_j), nabla(phi_i))_N

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