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MESH2D Uniform 2D SEM mesh on rectangular domain Omega=(xa,xb) x (ya,yb)




 MESH2D   Uniform 2D SEM mesh on rectangular domain Omega=(xa,xb) x (ya,yb)

                side 3
           V4 __________ V3
             |          |
             |          |
     side 4  | Omega    |  side 2
             |          |
           V1            V2
                side 1


 Input: xa= abscissa of either vertex V1 or vertex V4
        xb= abscissa of either vertex V2 or vertex V3
        ya= ordinate of either vertex V1 or vertex V2
        yb= ordinate of either vertex V3 or vertex V4
        cb= a string of four elements, each for any side of \partial\Omega.
          cb(i) refers to side number "i" of \partial\Omega
          'd' character stands for Dirichlet boundary conditions on that side
          'n' character stands for Neumann boundary conditions on that side
        nex = number of elements along x-direction
        ney = number of elements along y-direction
        npdx = number of nodes in each element (the same in every element)
               along x-direction
        npdy = number of nodes in each element (the same in every element)
               along y-direction
        nov = local -global map, previously generated by cosnov_2d
        x = npdx LGL nodes in [-1,1], previously generated by xwlgl
        wx = npdx LGL weigths in [-1,1], previously generated by xwlgl
        y = npdy LGL nodes in [-1,1], previously generated by xwlgl
        wy = npdy LGL weigths in [-1,1], previously generated by xwlgl
        gammax = column or row array of length nex-1. 
               If the deomposition of Omega is not
               uniform, gammax is the vector of position of interfaces between
               spectral elements along x-direction. If gammax=[], uniform
               decomposition is used.
        gammay = column or row array of length ney-1. 
               If the deomposition of Omega is not
               uniform, gammay is the vector of position of interfaces between
               spectral elements along x-direction. If gammay=[], uniform
               decomposition is used.

 Output: xx = 2-indexes array of size (4,ne) 
            (ne=nex*ney is the global number of spectral elements)
         yy = 2-indexes array of size (4,ne):
         jacx = array (length(jacx)=ne); jacx(ie)= (x_V2_ie-x_V1_ie)/2
         jacy = array (length(jacy)=ne); jacy(ie)= (y_V3_ie-y_V1_ie)/2
         xy = column array with global mesh, length: noe=nov(npdx*npdy,ne)
         ww = column array with global weigths, length: noe=nov(npdx*npdy,ne)
              diag(ww) is the mass matrix associated to SEM discretization
         ifro = column array of length noe=nov(npdx*npdy,ne): 
            if (x_i,y_i) is internal to Omega then ifro(i)=0,
            if (x_i,y_i) is on \partial\Omega and Dirichlet boundary
            condition is imposed there, then ifro(i)=1,
            if (x_i,y_i) is on \partial\Omega and Neumann boundary
            condition is imposed there, then ifro(i)=31,

 Reference: CHQZ2 = C. Canuto, M.Y. Hussaini, A. Quarteroni, T.A. Zang,
                    "Spectral Methods. Fundamentals in Single Domains"
                    Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2006.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function[xx,yy,jacx,jacy,xy,ww,ifro]=mesh2d(xa,xb,ya,yb,cb,nex,ney,npdx,npdy,...
0002 nov,x,wx,y,wy,gammax,gammay)
0003 % MESH2D   Uniform 2D SEM mesh on rectangular domain Omega=(xa,xb) x (ya,yb)
0004 %
0005 %                side 3
0006 %           V4 __________ V3
0007 %             |          |
0008 %             |          |
0009 %     side 4  | Omega    |  side 2
0010 %             |          |
0011 %             |__________|
0012 %           V1            V2
0013 %                side 1
0014 %
0015 %  [xx,yy,jacx,jacy,xy,ww,ifro,xn]=mesh2d(xa,xg,ya,yb,nex,ney,npdx,npdy,...
0016 %           nov,x,wx,y,wy)
0017 %
0018 % Input: xa= abscissa of either vertex V1 or vertex V4
0019 %        xb= abscissa of either vertex V2 or vertex V3
0020 %        ya= ordinate of either vertex V1 or vertex V2
0021 %        yb= ordinate of either vertex V3 or vertex V4
0022 %        cb= a string of four elements, each for any side of \partial\Omega.
0023 %          cb(i) refers to side number "i" of \partial\Omega
0024 %          'd' character stands for Dirichlet boundary conditions on that side
0025 %          'n' character stands for Neumann boundary conditions on that side
0026 %        nex = number of elements along x-direction
0027 %        ney = number of elements along y-direction
0028 %        npdx = number of nodes in each element (the same in every element)
0029 %               along x-direction
0030 %        npdy = number of nodes in each element (the same in every element)
0031 %               along y-direction
0032 %        nov = local -global map, previously generated by cosnov_2d
0033 %        x = npdx LGL nodes in [-1,1], previously generated by xwlgl
0034 %        wx = npdx LGL weigths in [-1,1], previously generated by xwlgl
0035 %        y = npdy LGL nodes in [-1,1], previously generated by xwlgl
0036 %        wy = npdy LGL weigths in [-1,1], previously generated by xwlgl
0037 %        gammax = column or row array of length nex-1.
0038 %               If the deomposition of Omega is not
0039 %               uniform, gammax is the vector of position of interfaces between
0040 %               spectral elements along x-direction. If gammax=[], uniform
0041 %               decomposition is used.
0042 %        gammay = column or row array of length ney-1.
0043 %               If the deomposition of Omega is not
0044 %               uniform, gammay is the vector of position of interfaces between
0045 %               spectral elements along x-direction. If gammay=[], uniform
0046 %               decomposition is used.
0047 %
0048 % Output: xx = 2-indexes array of size (4,ne)
0049 %            xx(1:4,ie)=[x_V1_ie;x_V2_ie;x_V3_ie;x_V4_ie]
0050 %            (ne=nex*ney is the global number of spectral elements)
0051 %         yy = 2-indexes array of size (4,ne):
0052 %            yy(1:4,ie)=[y_V1_ie;y_V2_ie;y_V3_ie;y_V4_ie]
0053 %         jacx = array (length(jacx)=ne); jacx(ie)= (x_V2_ie-x_V1_ie)/2
0054 %         jacy = array (length(jacy)=ne); jacy(ie)= (y_V3_ie-y_V1_ie)/2
0055 %         xy = column array with global mesh, length: noe=nov(npdx*npdy,ne)
0056 %         ww = column array with global weigths, length: noe=nov(npdx*npdy,ne)
0057 %              diag(ww) is the mass matrix associated to SEM discretization
0058 %         ifro = column array of length noe=nov(npdx*npdy,ne):
0059 %            if (x_i,y_i) is internal to Omega then ifro(i)=0,
0060 %            if (x_i,y_i) is on \partial\Omega and Dirichlet boundary
0061 %            condition is imposed there, then ifro(i)=1,
0062 %            if (x_i,y_i) is on \partial\Omega and Neumann boundary
0063 %            condition is imposed there, then ifro(i)=31,
0064 %
0065 %
0066 % Reference: CHQZ2 = C. Canuto, M.Y. Hussaini, A. Quarteroni, T.A. Zang,
0067 %                    "Spectral Methods. Fundamentals in Single Domains"
0068 %                    Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2006.
0070 %   Written by Paola Gervasio
0071 %   $Date: 2007/04/01$
0073 ldnov=npdx*npdy; ne=nex*ney;
0074 noe=nov(ldnov,ne); nx=npdx-1;
0075 xx=zeros(4,ne); yy=zeros(4,ne); 
0076 xy=zeros(noe,2); ww=zeros(noe,1);
0077 jac=zeros(ne,1);
0078 jacx=zeros(ne,1);
0079 jacy=zeros(ne,1);
0080 if sum(size(gammax))==0 
0081     Hx=(xb-xa)/nex*ones(nex);
0082 else 
0083     Hx=zeros(nex,1);
0084     Hx(1)=gammax(1)-xa;
0085     Hx(2:nex-1)=gammax(2:nex-1)-gammax(1:nex-2);
0086     Hx(nex)=xb-gammax(nex-1);
0087 end
0088 if sum(size(gammay))==0 
0089     Hy=(yb-ya)/ney*ones(ney);
0090 else 
0091     Hy=zeros(ney,1);
0092     Hy(1)=gammay(1)-ya;
0093     Hy(2:ney-1)=gammay(2:ney-1)-gammay(1:ney-2);
0094     Hy(ney)=yb-gammay(ney-1);
0095 end
0097 for iex=1:nex
0098 ie1=(iex-1)*ney+1;
0099 xx(1,ie1)=xa+sum(Hx(1:iex-1));
0100 xx(2,ie1)=xx(1,ie1)+Hx(iex);
0101 xx(3,ie1)=xx(2,ie1); xx(4,ie1)=xx(1,ie1);
0102 jacx(ie1)=Hx(iex)*.5;
0103 for iey=2:ney
0104 ie=ie1-1+iey; xx(:,ie)=xx(:,ie1);
0105 jacx(ie)=Hx(iex)*.5;
0106 end
0107 end
0110 for iey=1:ney
0111 yy(1,iey)=ya+sum(Hy(1:iey-1));
0112 yy(2,iey)=yy(1,iey);
0113 yy(3,iey)=yy(1,iey)+Hy(iey); yy(4,iey)=yy(3,iey);
0114 jacy(iey)=Hy(iey)*.5;
0115 for iex=2:nex
0116 ie=(iex-1)*ney+iey; yy(:,ie)=yy(:,iey);
0117 jacy(ie)=Hy(iey)*.5;
0118 end
0119 end
0122 for ie=1:ne
0123 bpa=(xx(1,ie)+xx(2,ie))*.5; bpc=(yy(1,ie)+yy(3,ie))*.5; 
0125 for j=1:npdy
0126 for i=1:npdx
0127 k=(j-1)*npdx+i; ii=nov(k,ie);
0128 xy(ii,1)=x(i)*jacx(ie)+bpa; xy(ii,2)=y(j)*jacy(ie)+bpc;
0129 ww(ii)=ww(ii)+wx(i)*jacx(ie)*wy(j)*jacy(ie); 
0130 end
0131 end
0133 end
0136 ifro=zeros(noe,1);
0138 % Loop on elements
0139 for ie=1:ne
0141 % side 1
0142 for i=1:npdx
0143 k=i; ii=nov(k,ie); 
0144 if(abs(xy(ii,2)-ya)<=1.e-12 ) 
0145 if cb(1)=='d'
0146 ifro(ii)=1;
0147 elseif cb(1)=='n'
0148 ifro(ii)=31;
0149 end
0150 end
0151 end
0153 % side 2
0154 for j=1:npdy
0155 k=j*npdx; ii=nov(k,ie); 
0156 if(abs(xy(ii,1)-xb)<=1.e-12 ) 
0157 if cb(2)=='d'
0158 ifro(ii)=1;
0159 elseif cb(2)=='n'
0160 ifro(ii)=31;
0161 end
0162 end
0163 end
0165 % side 3
0166 nm=npdx*(npdy-1);
0167 for i=1:npdx
0168 k=i+nm; ii=nov(k,ie); 
0169 if(abs(xy(ii,2)-yb)<=1.e-12 ) 
0170 if cb(3)=='d'
0171 ifro(ii)=1;
0172 elseif cb(3)=='n'
0173 ifro(ii)=31;
0174 end
0175 end
0176 end
0178 % side 4
0179 for j=1:npdy
0180 k=(j-1)*npdx+1; ii=nov(k,ie);
0181 if(abs(xy(ii,1)-xa)<=1.e-12 )
0182 if cb(4)=='d'
0183 ifro(ii)=1;
0184 elseif cb(4)=='n'
0185 ifro(ii)=31;
0186 end
0187 end
0188 end
0189 % check vertices: if vertex V belongs to two sides with different (N/D)
0190 %boundary conditions, dirichlet b.c. prevails.
0192 % V1
0193 ip=nov(1,ie);
0194 if ifro(ip)>0 & cb(1)~=cb(4)
0195 ifro(ip)=1;
0196 end
0197 % V2
0198 ip=nov(npdx,ie);
0199 if ifro(ip)>0 & cb(1)~=cb(2)
0200 ifro(ip)=1;
0201 end
0202 % V3
0203 ip=nov(ldnov,ie);
0204 if ifro(ip)>0& cb(2)~=cb(3)
0205 ifro(ip)=1;
0206 end
0207 % V4
0208 ip=nov(ldnov-nx,ie);
0209 if ifro(ip)>0& cb(4)~=cb(3)
0210 ifro(ip)=1;
0211 end
0214 % end loop for ie=1:ne
0215 end

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