< Master index Index for Src/Elliptic_2d/Schur >

Index for Src/Elliptic_2d/Schur

Matlab files in this directory:

 call_eig_schur_2dCALL_EIG_SCHUR_2D Script for pre and post processing eig_schur_2d.m
 call_eig_schur_2d_fileCALL_EIG_SCHUR_2D_FILE Script for pre and post processing eig_schur_2d.m
 call_schur_2dCALL_SCHUR_2D Script for pre and post processing schur_2d.m
 cosnovgCOSNOVG : constructs matrix novg realizing operator R_{\Gamma_m}
 cosnoviCOSNOVI : constructs matrix novi realizing operator R_m
 cosrgamCOSRGAM Computes matrix R_Gamma for Schur complement preconditioners
 eig_schur_2dEIG_SCHUR_2D Eigenvalues computation Schur complement matrix
 local_solverLOCAL_SOLVER Solution of local problems after knowledge of u on the interface
 partitionPARTITION Computes the diagonal weighting matrix D relative to interface unknowns
 pinv_sigmaPINV_SIGMA Computes the pseudoinverse of Sigma_H
 schur_2dSCHUR_2D Numerical solution of the 2D b.v.p. -Delta u + gam u -Schur complement
 schur_assembSCHUR_ASSEMB Assembles global Schur complement matrix
 schur_locSCHUR_LOC Computes local matrices and lists for implementing the Schur method
 schur_matrixSCHUR_MATRIX Computes Schur complement matrix Sigma and its preconditioner
 schur_mxvSCHUR_MXV Computes matrix vector product, where the matrix is the Schur compl.
 schur_pcgSCHUR_PCG Preconditioned conjugate gradient to solve the Schur complement system
 schur_precobnnSCHUR_PRECOBNN: Solves the sistem (P_B^{NN})^{-1} z=r where P_B^{NN} is the Balancing Neumann-Neumann preconditioner for Schur compl.
 schur_preconnlSCHUR_PRECONNL: Solves the sistem (P^{NN})^{-1} z=r where P^{NN} is the Neumann-Neumann preconditioner for Schur compl.

Dependency Graph

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