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CALL_EIG_SCHUR_2D_FILE Script for pre and post processing eig_schur_2d.m


This is a script file.


 CALL_EIG_SCHUR_2D_FILE Script for pre and post processing eig_schur_2d.m


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 % CALL_EIG_SCHUR_2D_FILE Script for pre and post processing eig_schur_2d.m
0002 %
0004 %   Written by Paola Gervasio
0005 %   $Date: 2007/04/01$
0007 xa=-1;xb=1;   % Omega=(xa,xb) x (ya,yb)
0008 ya=-1;yb=1;
0009 gam=0;
0010 cb='dddd';     %  schur_2d works only if cb='dddd';
0012 %dependence on N
0014 fid=fopen('conds_schurPN_new','w');
0015 fprintf(fid,'cond(P^-1 Sigma) per -Lap. nex=ney=2; Omega=(-1,1)^2\n');
0016 fprintf(fid,'N,   P=I   P=NN    P=bNN   \n');
0017 %
0018 fprintf('nx  nex  lam_max(S)  lam_min(S)   k(S) \n')
0019 for nex=2; 
0020     ney=nex;  % decomposition of Omega in nex x ney rectangles
0021 for nx=4:4:64;     % polynomial degree in each element along y-direction
0022     ny=nx;
0023     gammax=[]; gammay=[]; % if SEM decomposition is not uniform:
0024                          % they are the arrays with intefaces positions
0025 cc=[nx];
0026 param=zeros(20,1); param(1)=1;    % 1:P=I, 2: P=NN, 3: P=bNN
0027 [param]=eig_schur_2d(xa,xb,ya,yb,gam,...
0028           cb,nex,nx,ney,ny,gammax,gammay,param);
0029 cc=[cc,param(13)];
0030 param=zeros(20,1); param(1)=2;    % 1:P=I, 2: P=NN, 3: P=bNN
0031 [param]=eig_schur_2d(xa,xb,ya,yb,gam,...
0032           cb,nex,nx,ney,ny,gammax,gammay,param);
0033 cc=[cc,param(13)];
0034 param=zeros(20,1); param(1)=3;    % 1:P=I, 2: P=NN, 3: P=bNN
0035 [param]=eig_schur_2d(xa,xb,ya,yb,gam,...
0036           cb,nex,nx,ney,ny,gammax,gammay,param);
0037 cc=[cc,param(13)];
0038 % output
0039 % fprintf('nx=%d,nex=%d,lam_max(S)=%11.4e, lam_min(S)=%11.4e, k(S)=%11.4e \n',...
0040 %     nx,nex,param(11),param(12),param(13));
0041 fprintf(fid,'%d   %9.3e  %9.3e   %9.3e  \n',cc);
0042 fprintf('%d   %9.3e  %9.3e   %9.3e  \n',cc);
0043 end
0044 end
0045 fclose(fid);
0047 %dependence on H
0049 fid=fopen('conds_schurPH_new','w');
0050 fprintf(fid,'cond(P^-1 Sigma) per -Lap. nx=ny=4; Omega=(-1,1)^2\n');
0051 fprintf(fid,'H,   P=I   P=NN    P=bNN   \n');
0053 fprintf('nx  nex  lam_max(S)  lam_min(S)   k(S) \n')
0054 for nex=2:2:22;
0055     ney=nex;  % decomposition of Omega in nex x ney rectangles
0056 for nx=4;     % polynomial degree in each element along y-direction
0057     ny=nx;
0058     gammax=[]; gammay=[]; % if SEM decomposition is not uniform:
0059                          % they are the arrays with intefaces positions
0060 cc=[2/nex];
0061 param=zeros(20,1); param(1)=1;    % 1:P=I, 2: P=NN, 3: P=bNN
0062 [param]=eig_schur_2d(xa,xb,ya,yb,gam,...
0063           cb,nex,nx,ney,ny,gammax,gammay,param);
0064 cc=[cc,param(13)];
0065 param=zeros(20,1); param(1)=2;    % 1:P=I, 2: P=NN, 3: P=bNN
0066 [param]=eig_schur_2d(xa,xb,ya,yb,gam,...
0067           cb,nex,nx,ney,ny,gammax,gammay,param);
0068 cc=[cc,param(13)];
0069 param=zeros(20,1); param(1)=3;    % 1:P=I, 2: P=NN, 3: P=bNN
0070 [param]=eig_schur_2d(xa,xb,ya,yb,gam,...
0071           cb,nex,nx,ney,ny,gammax,gammay,param);
0072 cc=[cc,param(13)];
0073 % output
0074 % fprintf('nx=%d,nex=%d,lam_max(S)=%11.4e, lam_min(S)=%11.4e, k(S)=%11.4e \n',...
0075 %     nx,nex,param(11),param(12),param(13));
0076 fprintf(fid,'%d   %9.3e  %9.3e   %9.3e  \n',cc);
0077 fprintf('%d   %9.3e  %9.3e   %9.3e  \n',cc);
0078 end
0079 end
0080 fclose(fid);

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