< Master index Index for Src/Basis_functions >

Index for Src/Basis_functions

Matlab files in this directory:

 derpol_legendreDERPOL_LEGENDRE recursive construction of Legendre polynomials 1st derivative
 plot_2dlagrangePLOT_2DLAGRANGE plots 2D Lagrange polynomials.
 plot_2dmodalPLOT_2DMODAL plots 2D modal boundary adapted polynomials.
 plot_lagrangePLOT_LAGRANGE plots 1D Lagrange polynomials.
 plot_legendrePLOT_LEGENDRE plots 1D Legendre polynomials.
 plot_modalPLOT_MODAL plots 1D modal boundary-adapted polynomials
 pol_legendrePOL_LEGENDRE recursive construction of Legendre basis function
 pol_modalPOL_MODAL recursive construction of modal basis function
 testcall all callable functions of directory Basis_functions

Dependency Graph

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