chebyshev_pol | CHEBYSHEV_POL plots Chebyshev polynomials for n=0,...,4 |
der2cgl | DER2CGL Spectral (Chebyshev Gauss Lobatto) second derivative matrix |
der2lgl | DER2LGL Spectral (Legendre Gauss Lobatto) second derivative matrix |
dercgl | DERCGL Spectral (Chebyshev Gauss Lobatto) derivative matrix |
derlg | DERLG Spectral (Legendre Gauss) derivative matrix |
derlgl | DERLGL Spectral (Legendre Gauss Lobatto) derivative matrix |
intlag_cgl | INTLAG_CGL Computes matrix "a" to evaluate 1D Lagrange interpolant at CGL |
intlag_lg | INTLAG_LG Computes matrix "a" to evaluate 1D Lagrange interpolant at LG |
intlag_lgl | INTLAG_LGL Computes matrix "a" to evaluate 1D Lagrange interpolant at LGL |
jacobi_eval | JACOBI_EVAL: Evaluates Jacobi polynomial P_n^{(\alpha,\beta)} at x\in(-1,1) |
jacobi_pol | JACOBI_POL Script for plotting some Jacobi polynomials for n=4 |
jacobi_roots | JACOBI_ROOTS: Computes the n zeros of the Jacoby polynomial P_n^{(\alpha,\beta)}(x) |
legendre_pol | LEGENDRE_POL plots Legendre polynomials for n=0,...,4 |
legendre_tr_coef | LEGENDRE_TR_COEF Computes Discrete Legendre Transform coefficients |
legendre_tr_eval | LEGENDRE_TR_EVAL Evaluates Discrete Legendre Transform |
legendre_tr_matrix | LEGENDRE_TR_MATRIX Computes matrix to produce Discrete Legendre Transform |
pnleg | PNLEG Evaluates Legendre polynomial of degree n at x |
pnleg1 | PNLEG1 Evaluates the first derivative of Legendre polynomial |
pnleg2 | PNLEG2 Evaluates the second derivative of Legendre polynomial |
pnleg_all | PNLEG_ALL Evaluates Legendre polynomials, from degree 0 to n |
test | TEST Script for testing functions of this directory |
xwcg | XWCG Computes nodes and weights of the Chebyshev-Gauss quadrature formula |
xwcgl | XWCGL Computes nodes and weights of the Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formula. |
xwlg | XWLG Computes nodes and weights of the Legendre-Gauss quadrature formula. |
xwlgl | XWLGL Computes nodes and weights of the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formula. |