< Master index Index for Src/Level_0 >

Index for Src/Level_0

Matlab files in this directory:

 chebyshev_polCHEBYSHEV_POL plots Chebyshev polynomials for n=0,...,4
 der2cglDER2CGL Spectral (Chebyshev Gauss Lobatto) second derivative matrix
 der2lglDER2LGL Spectral (Legendre Gauss Lobatto) second derivative matrix
 dercglDERCGL Spectral (Chebyshev Gauss Lobatto) derivative matrix
 derlgDERLG Spectral (Legendre Gauss) derivative matrix
 derlglDERLGL Spectral (Legendre Gauss Lobatto) derivative matrix
 intlag_cglINTLAG_CGL Computes matrix "a" to evaluate 1D Lagrange interpolant at CGL
 intlag_lgINTLAG_LG Computes matrix "a" to evaluate 1D Lagrange interpolant at LG
 intlag_lglINTLAG_LGL Computes matrix "a" to evaluate 1D Lagrange interpolant at LGL
 jacobi_evalJACOBI_EVAL: Evaluates Jacobi polynomial P_n^{(\alpha,\beta)} at x\in(-1,1)
 jacobi_polJACOBI_POL Script for plotting some Jacobi polynomials for n=4
 jacobi_rootsJACOBI_ROOTS: Computes the n zeros of the Jacoby polynomial P_n^{(\alpha,\beta)}(x)
 legendre_polLEGENDRE_POL plots Legendre polynomials for n=0,...,4
 legendre_tr_coefLEGENDRE_TR_COEF Computes Discrete Legendre Transform coefficients
 legendre_tr_evalLEGENDRE_TR_EVAL Evaluates Discrete Legendre Transform
 legendre_tr_matrixLEGENDRE_TR_MATRIX Computes matrix to produce Discrete Legendre Transform
 pnlegPNLEG Evaluates Legendre polynomial of degree n at x
 pnleg1PNLEG1 Evaluates the first derivative of Legendre polynomial
 pnleg2PNLEG2 Evaluates the second derivative of Legendre polynomial
 pnleg_allPNLEG_ALL Evaluates Legendre polynomials, from degree 0 to n
 testTEST Script for testing functions of this directory
 xwcgXWCG Computes nodes and weights of the Chebyshev-Gauss quadrature formula
 xwcglXWCGL Computes nodes and weights of the Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formula.
 xwlgXWLG Computes nodes and weights of the Legendre-Gauss quadrature formula.
 xwlglXWLGL Computes nodes and weights of the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formula.

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