< Master index Index for Src/Hyperbolic_1d >

Index for Src/Hyperbolic_1d

Matlab files in this directory:

 call_hypCALL_HYP. Script to set input data and call scalar_hyp and stag_scalar_hyp
 call_stat_hypCALL_STAT_HYP. Script to set input data and call stat_scalar_hyp
 scalar_hypSCALAR_HYP Numerical solution of scalar linear hyperbolic equations,
 simpczSIMPCX. Composite Simpson Quadrature Formula
 stag_scalar_hypSTAG_SCALAR_HYP Numerical solution of scalar linear hyperbolic equations,
 stat_scalar_hypSTAT_SCALAR_HYP Numerical solution of a stationary scalar linear hyperbolic equation,

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