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LAP_3D Numerical solution of the 3D b.v.p. -Delta u + gam u = f


function [xyz,un,D,param]=lap_3d(xa,xb,ya,yb,za,zb,gam,uex,uex_x,uex_y,uex_z,ff,nex,nx,ney,ny,nez,nz,gammax,gammay,gammaz,param);


 LAP_3D   Numerical solution of the 3D b.v.p. -Delta u + gam u = f

     -Delta u + gam u = f       x in Omega

      + Dirichlet bc

 by SEM Numerical Integration with LGL quadrature formulas.


 Input: xa= abscissa of either vertex V1 
        xb= abscissa of either vertex V2 
        ya= ordinate of either vertex V1 
        yb= ordinate of either vertex V3 
        za= ordinate of either vertex V1 
        zb= ordinate of either vertex V5 
        gam   = coefficient of zeroth order term (constant>=0)
        uex  = exact solution (uex=@(x,y,z)[uex(x,y,z)], with .*, .^, ./)
        uex_x  = exact first x-derivative (uex_x=@(x,y,z)[uex_x(x,y,z)], 
                 with .*, .^, ./)
        uex_y  = exact first y-derivative (uex_y=@(x,y,z)[uex_y(x,y,z)], 
                 with .*, .^, ./)
        uex_z  = exact first z-derivative (uex_z=@(x,y,z)[uex_z(x,y,z)], 
                 with .*, .^, ./)
        ff  = r.h.s. solution (ff=@(x,y,z)[ff(x,y,z)], with .*, .^, ./)
        nex = number of elements (equally spaced) along x-direction
        nx = polynomial degree in each element (the same in each element)
               along x-direction
        ney = number of elements (equally spaced) along y-direction
        ny = polynomial degree in each element (the same in each element)
               along y-direction
        nez = number of elements (equally spaced) along z-direction
        nz = polynomial degree in each element (the same in each element)
               along z-direction
        gammax = column or row array of length nex-1. 
               If the deomposition of Omega is not
               uniform, gammax is the vector of position of interfaces between
               spectral elements along x-direction. If gammax=[], uniform
               decomposition is used.
        gammay = column or row array of length ney-1. 
               If the deomposition of Omega is not
               uniform, gammay is the vector of position of interfaces between
               spectral elements along y-direction. If gammay=[], uniform
               decomposition is used.
        gammaz = column or row array of length nez-1. 
               If the deomposition of Omega is not
               uniform, gammay is the vector of position of interfaces between
               spectral elements along z-direction. If gammay=[], uniform
               decomposition is used.
        param = array of parameters
        param(1) = 1 : SEM-NI approach, see Sect. 5.3.3, CHQZ3
        param(2) = 0 : no reordering of the matrix, see pag. 194, CHQZ2
                   1 : Cuthill-McKee ordering (by symrcm function of
                   2 : Symmetric minimum degree ordering (by symamd function of
                   ONLY used if param(3)==1
        param(3) = 1 : Solve the differential problem with a direct method 
                   (Cholesky) and compute errors on the exact solution
                   2 : Compute extrema eigenvalues of stiffness matrix
                   3 : Compute interface Schur complement, solve the diff.
                   problem by Schur complement
                   4: Compute Schur complement and its extrema eigenvalues
                   5: Compute and plot all the eigenvalues of A (stiffness
                   6: Compute extrema eigenvalues of  M^{-1}A, i.e. 
                      the generalized eigenvalues of  Av=lambda* M v,
                      where M is the SEM-NI mass matrix
        param(4) = 1: compute errors (L^inf-norm, L2-norm, H1-norm) 
                      on the exact solution
                   2: no  errors are computed
        param(5) = 0: LG quadrature formulas with high precision degree are
                      used to compute norms (exact norms)
                   1: LGL quadrature formulas with npdx,npdy nodes are
                      used to compute norms (discrete norms)
                   (used only if param(4) == 1)
        param(6) = number of nodes for high degree quadrature formula,
                   (used only if param(5) == 0 & param(4) == 1)
        param(7) = 0: absolute errors are computed
                   1: relative errors are computed
                   (used only if param(4) == 1)
        param(8) = 0: not plot the solution
                   1: plot the solution (mesh)
                   2: plot the solution (surf)
                   3: plot the solution (contour)
        param(9) = number of nodes in each element and along each direction 
                   for plotting the solution
                   (used only if param(8) > 0)
 Output: xyz = 3-indexes array wiht coordinates of 3D LGL mesh              
         un = numerical solution
         D  = (if param(3)==5)  eigenvalues of A
         param(21) = (if param(3)==1)  cputime for reordering stiffness
                  matrix befor solving
         param(22) = (if param(3)==1)  cputime for solving linear system 
                  by Choleski factorization
         param(23,24) = (if param(3)==2) extrema eigenvalues (max,min) of
                  stiffness matrix A
         param(25,26) = (if param(3)==4) extrema eigenvalues (max,min) of
                  interface Schur complement
         param(27,28) = (if param(3)==6) extrema generalized eigenvalues 
                 (max,min) of
                 A v = lambda M v, where A is the stiffness matrix and M is the
                 mass matrix
         param(29,30,31) = (if param(4)==1 & (param(3)==1 | param(3)==3)) 
                   errors on the exact solution:
                   L^inf-norm, L2-norm, H1-norm

           Omega=(xa,xb) x (ya,yb) x (za,zb)

             V8  _________ V7
               /|        /|
              / |       / |
          V5 /________ /V6|
             |  |      |  |
             |V4|______|__| V3
             |  /      | /               
             | /       |/
           V1            V2

       |      |      |     |     |
       |  3   |  6   |  9  | 12  |      Spectral elements
       |      |      |     |     |      ordering in a plane yz then 
       __________________________       planes at different x follow.
       |      |      |     |     |
       |  2   |  5   |  8  | 11  |
       |      |      |     |     |
       |      |      |     |     |
       |  1   |  4   |  7  | 10  |
       |      |      |     |     |


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [xyz,un,D,param]=lap_3d(xa,xb,ya,yb,za,zb,gam,...
0002           uex,uex_x,uex_y,uex_z,ff,nex,nx,ney,ny,nez,nz,gammax,gammay,gammaz,...
0003           param);
0004 % LAP_3D   Numerical solution of the 3D b.v.p. -Delta u + gam u = f
0005 %
0006 %     -Delta u + gam u = f       x in Omega
0007 %
0008 %      + Dirichlet bc
0009 %
0010 % by SEM Numerical Integration with LGL quadrature formulas.
0011 %
0012 %  [xy,un,D,param]=lap_3d(xa,xb,ya,yb,za,zb,gam,...
0013 %         uex,uex_x,uex_y,uex_z,ff,nex,nx,ney,ny,nez,nz,gammax,gammay,gammaz,...
0014 %         param);
0015 %
0016 % Input: xa= abscissa of either vertex V1
0017 %        xb= abscissa of either vertex V2
0018 %        ya= ordinate of either vertex V1
0019 %        yb= ordinate of either vertex V3
0020 %        za= ordinate of either vertex V1
0021 %        zb= ordinate of either vertex V5
0022 %        gam   = coefficient of zeroth order term (constant>=0)
0023 %        uex  = exact solution (uex=@(x,y,z)[uex(x,y,z)], with .*, .^, ./)
0024 %        uex_x  = exact first x-derivative (uex_x=@(x,y,z)[uex_x(x,y,z)],
0025 %                 with .*, .^, ./)
0026 %        uex_y  = exact first y-derivative (uex_y=@(x,y,z)[uex_y(x,y,z)],
0027 %                 with .*, .^, ./)
0028 %        uex_z  = exact first z-derivative (uex_z=@(x,y,z)[uex_z(x,y,z)],
0029 %                 with .*, .^, ./)
0030 %        ff  = r.h.s. solution (ff=@(x,y,z)[ff(x,y,z)], with .*, .^, ./)
0031 %        nex = number of elements (equally spaced) along x-direction
0032 %        nx = polynomial degree in each element (the same in each element)
0033 %               along x-direction
0034 %        ney = number of elements (equally spaced) along y-direction
0035 %        ny = polynomial degree in each element (the same in each element)
0036 %               along y-direction
0037 %        nez = number of elements (equally spaced) along z-direction
0038 %        nz = polynomial degree in each element (the same in each element)
0039 %               along z-direction
0040 %        gammax = column or row array of length nex-1.
0041 %               If the deomposition of Omega is not
0042 %               uniform, gammax is the vector of position of interfaces between
0043 %               spectral elements along x-direction. If gammax=[], uniform
0044 %               decomposition is used.
0045 %        gammay = column or row array of length ney-1.
0046 %               If the deomposition of Omega is not
0047 %               uniform, gammay is the vector of position of interfaces between
0048 %               spectral elements along y-direction. If gammay=[], uniform
0049 %               decomposition is used.
0050 %        gammaz = column or row array of length nez-1.
0051 %               If the deomposition of Omega is not
0052 %               uniform, gammay is the vector of position of interfaces between
0053 %               spectral elements along z-direction. If gammay=[], uniform
0054 %               decomposition is used.
0055 %        param = array of parameters
0056 %        param(1) = 1 : SEM-NI approach, see Sect. 5.3.3, CHQZ3
0057 %        param(2) = 0 : no reordering of the matrix, see pag. 194, CHQZ2
0058 %                   1 : Cuthill-McKee ordering (by symrcm function of
0059 %                   Matlab)
0060 %                   2 : Symmetric minimum degree ordering (by symamd function of
0061 %                   Matlab)
0062 %                   ONLY used if param(3)==1
0063 %        param(3) = 1 : Solve the differential problem with a direct method
0064 %                   (Cholesky) and compute errors on the exact solution
0065 %                   2 : Compute extrema eigenvalues of stiffness matrix
0066 %                   3 : Compute interface Schur complement, solve the diff.
0067 %                   problem by Schur complement
0068 %                   4: Compute Schur complement and its extrema eigenvalues
0069 %                   5: Compute and plot all the eigenvalues of A (stiffness
0070 %                   matrix)
0071 %                   6: Compute extrema eigenvalues of  M^{-1}A, i.e.
0072 %                      the generalized eigenvalues of  Av=lambda* M v,
0073 %                      where M is the SEM-NI mass matrix
0074 %        param(4) = 1: compute errors (L^inf-norm, L2-norm, H1-norm)
0075 %                      on the exact solution
0076 %                   2: no  errors are computed
0077 %        param(5) = 0: LG quadrature formulas with high precision degree are
0078 %                      used to compute norms (exact norms)
0079 %                   1: LGL quadrature formulas with npdx,npdy nodes are
0080 %                      used to compute norms (discrete norms)
0081 %                   (used only if param(4) == 1)
0082 %        param(6) = number of nodes for high degree quadrature formula,
0083 %                   (used only if param(5) == 0 & param(4) == 1)
0084 %        param(7) = 0: absolute errors are computed
0085 %                   1: relative errors are computed
0086 %                   (used only if param(4) == 1)
0087 %        param(8) = 0: not plot the solution
0088 %                   1: plot the solution (mesh)
0089 %                   2: plot the solution (surf)
0090 %                   3: plot the solution (contour)
0091 %        param(9) = number of nodes in each element and along each direction
0092 %                   for plotting the solution
0093 %                   (used only if param(8) > 0)
0094 %
0095 % Output: xyz = 3-indexes array wiht coordinates of 3D LGL mesh
0096 %         un = numerical solution
0097 %         D  = (if param(3)==5)  eigenvalues of A
0098 %         param(21) = (if param(3)==1)  cputime for reordering stiffness
0099 %                  matrix befor solving
0100 %         param(22) = (if param(3)==1)  cputime for solving linear system
0101 %                  by Choleski factorization
0102 %         param(23,24) = (if param(3)==2) extrema eigenvalues (max,min) of
0103 %                  stiffness matrix A
0104 %         param(25,26) = (if param(3)==4) extrema eigenvalues (max,min) of
0105 %                  interface Schur complement
0106 %         param(27,28) = (if param(3)==6) extrema generalized eigenvalues
0107 %                 (max,min) of
0108 %                 A v = lambda M v, where A is the stiffness matrix and M is the
0109 %                 mass matrix
0110 %         param(29,30,31) = (if param(4)==1 & (param(3)==1 | param(3)==3))
0111 %                   errors on the exact solution:
0112 %                   L^inf-norm, L2-norm, H1-norm
0113 %
0114 %
0115 %           Omega=(xa,xb) x (ya,yb) x (za,zb)
0116 %
0117 %             V8  _________ V7
0118 %               /|        /|
0119 %              / |       / |
0120 %          V5 /________ /V6|
0121 %             |  |      |  |
0122 %             |V4|______|__| V3
0123 %             |  /      | /
0124 %             | /       |/
0125 %             |/________/
0126 %           V1            V2
0127 %
0128 %
0129 %
0130 %       __________________________
0131 %       |      |      |     |     |
0132 %       |  3   |  6   |  9  | 12  |      Spectral elements
0133 %       |      |      |     |     |      ordering in a plane yz then
0134 %       __________________________       planes at different x follow.
0135 %       |      |      |     |     |
0136 %       |  2   |  5   |  8  | 11  |
0137 %       |      |      |     |     |
0138 %       __________________________
0139 %       |      |      |     |     |
0140 %       |  1   |  4   |  7  | 10  |
0141 %       |      |      |     |     |
0142 %       __________________________
0143 %
0145 xyz=[]; un=[]; D=[]; 
0147 npdx=nx+1; npdy=ny+1; npdz=nz+1;
0148 mn=npdx*npdy; ldnov=mn*npdz; ne=nex*ney*nez;
0151 [x,wx]=xwlgl(npdx); [dx]=derlgl(x,npdx);
0152 [y,wy]=xwlgl(npdy); [dy]=derlgl(y,npdy);
0153 [z,wz]=xwlgl(npdz); [dz]=derlgl(z,npdz);
0155 % Mesh generation (with nov construction)
0157 [xx,yy,zz,jacx,jacy,jacz,xyz,ww,ifro,nov]=mesh_3d(xa,xb,ya,yb,za,zb,nex,ney,nez,...
0158 npdx,npdy,npdz,x,wx,y,wy,z,wz,gammax,gammay,gammaz);
0160 % Matrix assembling
0161 noe=length(ww);
0162 A=stiff_3d_se(npdx,nex,npdy,ney,npdz,nez,nov,wx,dx,jacx,wy,dy,jacy,wz,dz,jacz);
0163 M=spdiags(ww,0,noe,noe);
0165 if gam ~=0
0166     A=A+gam*M;
0167 end
0169 % Rigth Hand Side
0170 f=ff(xyz(:,1),xyz(:,2),xyz(:,3)).*ww;
0174 % Lists of internal, boundary, interface nodes. All lists are referred to
0175 % global ordering on Omega
0176 %
0177 % lbor: list of boundary nodes
0178 % lint: list of internal nodes
0179 % lintint: list of internal nodes which are internal to spectral elements
0180 % lgamma: list of internal nodes which are on the interface between spectral elements
0184 [ldir,lint,lintint,lgamma,ifro]=liste(ifro,nov);
0187 % Setting Dirichlet boundary conditions on both matrix and r.h.s
0188 ub=ifro.*uex(xyz(:,1),xyz(:,2),xyz(:,3));
0190 f(lint)=f(lint)-A(lint,ldir)*ub(ldir);
0191 A=A(lint,lint); M=M(lint,lint);
0192 f=f(lint);
0193 noei=length(lint);
0195 %   selection on param(3)
0198 if (param(3)==1)
0200     % Solve the linear system by a direct method
0202 if param(2)==0
0203         % no reordering
0204         t_ord=0;
0205 t=cputime; un=A\f;t_solv=cputime-t;
0207 elseif param(2)==1
0208         % Cuthill-McKee ordering
0209 t=cputime; pp=symrcm(A);t_ord=cputime-t;
0210 t=cputime; un(pp)=A(pp,pp)\f(pp);t_solv=cputime-t;
0212 elseif param(2)==2
0213     % Symmetric Minimum degree ordering
0214 t=cputime; pp=symamd(A);t_ord=cputime-t;
0215 t=cputime; un(pp)=A(pp,pp)\f(pp);t_solv=cputime-t;
0216 end
0219 param(21)=t_ord;
0220 param(22)=t_solv;
0222 %
0223 ub(lint)=un;
0224 un=ub;
0228 elseif(param(3)==2)
0230 % Compute extrema eigenvalues of the stiffness matrix
0231 keigs=1;
0232 if(param(1)==1)
0233     % Symmetric problem
0234 opts.issym=1;opts.disp=0;opts.maxit=1000; opts.tol=1.d-12;
0235 lambda_max=eigs(A,keigs,'lm',opts);
0236 lambda_min=eigs(A,1,'sm',opts);
0237 else
0238 opts.issym=0;opts.disp=0;opts.maxit=1000; opts.tol=1.d-12;
0239 lambda_max=eigs(A,keigs,'lm',opts);
0240 lambda_min=eigs(A,1,'sm',opts);
0241 end
0242 param(23)=lambda_max;
0243 param(24)=lambda_min;
0246 elseif(param(3)==3)
0248 % Compute interface Schur complement, solve the differential problem by
0249 % the Schur complement
0251 Sigma=A(lgamma,lgamma)-A(lgamma,lintint)*inv(A(lintint,lintint))*A(lintint,lgamma);
0253 % Solve  Schur linear system and internal linear systems by \ of matlab
0255 fsigma=f(lgamma)-A(lgamma,lintint)*inv(A(lintint,lintint))*f(lintint);
0256 xsigma=Sigma\fsigma;
0257 xint=A(lintint,lintint)\(f(lintint)-A(lintint,lgamma)*xsigma);
0258 u2=zeros(noei,1);
0259 u2(lgamma)=xsigma;
0260 u2(lintint)=xint;
0261 ub(lint)=u2;
0262 un=ub;
0265 elseif(param(3)==4)
0267 % Compute interface Schur complement and its extrema eigenvalues
0269 Sigma=A(lgamma,lgamma)-A(lgamma,lintint)*inv(A(lintint,lintint))*A(lintint,lgamma);
0271 clear A; clear f;
0272 opts.issym=1;opts.disp=0;opts.maxit=1000; opts.tol=1.d-12;
0273 lambda_max=eigs(Sigma,1,'lm',opts);
0274 lambda_min=eigs(Sigma,1,'sm',opts);
0275 param(25)=lambda_max;
0276 param(26)=lambda_min;
0279 elseif(param(3)==5)
0280 % compute and plot eigenvalues of A
0281 D=eig(full(A));
0282 fig=figure(...,
0283     'Name','Spectrum of SEM-NI stiffness matrix',...
0284     'Visible','on')
0285 plot(real(D),imag(D),'o')
0286 set(gca,'Fontname','Times','Fontsize',18)
0287 xlabel('Re'); ylabel('Im')
0288 if param(1)==1
0289 set(gca,'Fontname','Times','Fontsize',18)
0290 title(['N=',num2str(nx),' H=',num2str(2/nex), ' SEM-NI'])
0291 else
0292 set(gca,'Fontname','Times','Fontsize',18)
0293 title(['N=',num2str(nx),' H=',num2str(2/nex), ' Patching'])
0294 end
0297 elseif(param(3)==6)
0298     keigs=1;
0299 % compute extrema eigenvalues of  M^{-1}A, i.e.
0300 %  the generalized eigenvalues of  Av=lambda* M v
0301 if(param(1)==1)
0302 opts.issym=1;opts.disp=0;opts.maxit=1000; opts.tol=1.d-12;
0303 lambda_max=eigs(A,M,keigs,'lm',opts);
0304 lambda_min=eigs(A,M,keigs,'sm',opts);
0305 param(27)=lambda_max;
0306 param(28)=lambda_min;
0308 elseif(param(2)==2)
0309     disp('No eigenvalues are computed')
0310 end
0312 end
0314 if (param(4)==1 & (param(3)==1 | param(3)==3))
0315     % compute errors on the exact solution
0316 [err_inf,err_h1,err_l2]=errors_3d(x,wx,dx,xx,jacx,y,wy,dy,yy,jacy,...
0317 z,wz,dz,zz,jacz,...
0318 xyz,ww,nov,un,uex,uex_x,uex_y,uex_z,param);
0319 param(29:31)=[err_inf;err_h1;err_l2];
0320 end
0322 if (param(8)>0 & (param(3)==1 | param(3)==3))
0323     if param(8)==1
0324         command='mesh';
0325     elseif param(8)==2
0326         command='surf';
0327     elseif param(8)==3;
0328         command='contour'
0329     end
0330 % plot the solution
0331 fig=figure(...,
0332     'Name','SEM-NI solution of -Delta u + gam u=f, Dirichlet bc',...
0333     'Visible','on');
0334 %[hf,ha]=plot_sem(fig,command,nex,ney,x,xx,jacx,y,yy,jacy,xy,ww,nov,un,param);
0336 end

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