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SCHWARZ_PBCGSTAB BiCGStab method with additive Schwarz preconditioner with overlap and coarse mesh


function [u,iter,res]=schwarz_pbcgstab(u0, f, param,p_unity,xy, ww, A, nov, noei, lint,x,wx,y,wy,xx,jacx,yy,jacy,Aq1, wwq1, linte,nove,nvle,Ac, Acb, wwc, r0t,lista_coarse,noec,novc,lintc,ldirc);


 SCHWARZ_PBCGSTAB BiCGStab method with additive Schwarz preconditioner with overlap and coarse mesh

 [u,iter,res]=schwarz_pbcgstab(u0, f, param,...
    xy, ww, A, nov, noei, lint,x,wx,y,wy,xx,jacx,yy,jacy,...
    Aq1, wwq1, linte,nove,nvle,...
    Ac, Acb, wwc, r0t,lista_coarse,noec,novc,lintc,ldirc);

 Input : u0 = column array, initial datum for pbcgstab
         f = column array, r.h.s. of linear system to solve
         param = array of parameters
         p_unity = unity partition associated to extended elements
         xy = 2-indexes array wiht coordinates of 2D LGL mesh
         ww = mass matrix (in column array)
         nov = local -global map, previously generated by cosnov_2d
         noei = number of  nodes internal to Omega
         lint = list of internal nodes (set in liste.n)
         x = npdx LGL nodes in [-1,1],
            (produced by calling [x,wx]=xwlgl(npdx))
         wx= npdx LGL weigths in [-1,1],
            (produced by calling [x,wx]=xwlgl(npdx))
         y = npdx LGL nodes in [-1,1],
            (produced by calling [y,wy]=xwlgl(npdy))
         wy= npdx LGL weigths in [-1,1],
            (produced by calling [y,wy]=xwlgl(npdy))
         xx = 2-indexes array of size (4,ne)
            (ne=nex*ney is the global number of spectral elements)
         jacx = array (length(jacx)=ne); jacx(ie)= (x_V2_ie-x_V1_ie)/2
         yy = 2-indexes array of size (4,ne):
         jacy = array (length(jacy)=ne); jacy(ie)= (x_V3_ie-x_V1_ie)/2
         Aq1 = cell array with Q1 stiffness matrices (internal/internal nodes)
               on extended elements
         wwq1 = cell array with Q1 mass matrices (internal nodes)
                on extended elements
         linte = cell array with list of internal nodes of extended
         nove = 2-index array of "extended local" to global map, permuted.
         nvle = 2-index array:
                 nvle (:,1)=number of nodes of the extendend elements
                 nvle (:,2)=number of Q1 elements of the extendend elements
                            along x-direction
                 nvle (:,3)=number of Q1 elements of the extendend elements
                            along y-direction
        Ac =  Cholesky factor of the Q1 stiffness matrix
               (internal/internal nodes) on the coarse mesh
        Acb = Q1 stiffness matrix (internal/boundary nodes)
               on the coarse mesh
        wwc = Q1 mass matrix (internal nodes)
                on the coarse mesh
        r0t =  matrix R_H^T
        lista_coarse = list of nodes of Omega wich are nodes of the coarse mesh
        noec = number of nodes of the coarse mesh
        novc(4,ne) = it maps each macro-Q1 element on the coarse mesh Q1
        lintc = lista of internal nodes of the coarse mesh
        ldirc = lista of boudanry nodes of the coarse mesh

 Output: u = column array of PCG solution
         iter = number of iterations required to satisfy stopping test
                ||r^(k)||/||b|| < tol
         res =  value of ||r^(k)||/||b|| at last iteration.

 References: CHQZ2 = C. Canuto, M.Y. Hussaini, A. Quarteroni, T.A. Zang,
                    "Spectral Methods. Fundamentals in Single Domains"
                    Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2006.
             CHQZ3 = C. Canuto, M.Y. Hussaini, A. Quarteroni, T.A. Zang,
                    "Spectral Methods. Evolution to Complex Geometries 
                     and Applications to Fluid DynamicsSpectral Methods"
                    Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2007.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [u,iter,res]=schwarz_pbcgstab(u0, f, param,...
0002     p_unity,...
0003     xy, ww, A, nov, noei, lint,x,wx,y,wy,xx,jacx,yy,jacy,...
0004     Aq1, wwq1, linte,nove,nvle,...
0005     Ac, Acb, wwc, r0t,lista_coarse,noec,novc,lintc,ldirc);
0006 % SCHWARZ_PBCGSTAB BiCGStab method with additive Schwarz preconditioner with overlap and coarse mesh
0007 %
0008 % [u,iter,res]=schwarz_pbcgstab(u0, f, param,...
0009 %    p_unity,...
0010 %    xy, ww, A, nov, noei, lint,x,wx,y,wy,xx,jacx,yy,jacy,...
0011 %    Aq1, wwq1, linte,nove,nvle,...
0012 %    Ac, Acb, wwc, r0t,lista_coarse,noec,novc,lintc,ldirc);
0013 %
0014 % Input : u0 = column array, initial datum for pbcgstab
0015 %         f = column array, r.h.s. of linear system to solve
0016 %         param = array of parameters
0017 %         p_unity = unity partition associated to extended elements
0018 %         xy = 2-indexes array wiht coordinates of 2D LGL mesh
0019 %         ww = mass matrix (in column array)
0020 %         nov = local -global map, previously generated by cosnov_2d
0021 %         noei = number of  nodes internal to Omega
0022 %         lint = list of internal nodes (set in liste.n)
0023 %         x = npdx LGL nodes in [-1,1],
0024 %            (produced by calling [x,wx]=xwlgl(npdx))
0025 %         wx= npdx LGL weigths in [-1,1],
0026 %            (produced by calling [x,wx]=xwlgl(npdx))
0027 %         y = npdx LGL nodes in [-1,1],
0028 %            (produced by calling [y,wy]=xwlgl(npdy))
0029 %         wy= npdx LGL weigths in [-1,1],
0030 %            (produced by calling [y,wy]=xwlgl(npdy))
0031 %         xx = 2-indexes array of size (4,ne)
0032 %            xx(1:4,ie)=[x_V1_ie;x_V2_ie;x_V3_ie;x_V4_ie]
0033 %            (ne=nex*ney is the global number of spectral elements)
0034 %         jacx = array (length(jacx)=ne); jacx(ie)= (x_V2_ie-x_V1_ie)/2
0035 %         yy = 2-indexes array of size (4,ne):
0036 %            yy(1:4,ie)=[y_V1_ie;y_V2_ie;y_V3_ie;y_V4_ie]
0037 %         jacy = array (length(jacy)=ne); jacy(ie)= (x_V3_ie-x_V1_ie)/2
0038 %         Aq1 = cell array with Q1 stiffness matrices (internal/internal nodes)
0039 %               on extended elements
0040 %         wwq1 = cell array with Q1 mass matrices (internal nodes)
0041 %                on extended elements
0042 %         linte = cell array with list of internal nodes of extended
0043 %                 elements
0044 %         nove = 2-index array of "extended local" to global map, permuted.
0045 %         nvle = 2-index array:
0046 %                 nvle (:,1)=number of nodes of the extendend elements
0047 %                 nvle (:,2)=number of Q1 elements of the extendend elements
0048 %                            along x-direction
0049 %                 nvle (:,3)=number of Q1 elements of the extendend elements
0050 %                            along y-direction
0051 %        Ac =  Cholesky factor of the Q1 stiffness matrix
0052 %               (internal/internal nodes) on the coarse mesh
0053 %        Acb = Q1 stiffness matrix (internal/boundary nodes)
0054 %               on the coarse mesh
0055 %        wwc = Q1 mass matrix (internal nodes)
0056 %                on the coarse mesh
0057 %        r0t =  matrix R_H^T
0058 %        lista_coarse = list of nodes of Omega wich are nodes of the coarse mesh
0059 %        noec = number of nodes of the coarse mesh
0060 %        novc(4,ne) = it maps each macro-Q1 element on the coarse mesh Q1
0061 %        lintc = lista of internal nodes of the coarse mesh
0062 %        ldirc = lista of boudanry nodes of the coarse mesh
0063 %
0064 % Output: u = column array of PCG solution
0065 %         iter = number of iterations required to satisfy stopping test
0066 %                ||r^(k)||/||b|| < tol
0067 %         res =  value of ||r^(k)||/||b|| at last iteration.
0068 %
0069 % References: CHQZ2 = C. Canuto, M.Y. Hussaini, A. Quarteroni, T.A. Zang,
0070 %                    "Spectral Methods. Fundamentals in Single Domains"
0071 %                    Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2006.
0072 %             CHQZ3 = C. Canuto, M.Y. Hussaini, A. Quarteroni, T.A. Zang,
0073 %                    "Spectral Methods. Evolution to Complex Geometries
0074 %                     and Applications to Fluid DynamicsSpectral Methods"
0075 %                    Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2007.
0077 %   Written by Paola Gervasio
0078 %   $Date: 2007/04/01$
0080 tol=param(10); itmax=param(11);
0081 [ldnov,ne]=size(nov);
0082 u=u0;
0083 bb=norm(f);
0084 res=[];
0085 r=f-A*u0;
0086 rtilde=r;
0087 p=r;
0088 rr0=r'*r;
0089 normar0=sqrt(r'*r);
0090 err=normar0/bb; iter=0;
0093 while  err > tol & iter < itmax
0095 z=precoasc(p,param,noei,lint,p_unity,...
0096     xy, ww, nov, x,wx,y,wy,xx, jacx,yy,jacy,...
0097     Aq1, wwq1, linte, nove,nvle,...
0098     Ac, Acb, wwc, r0t,lista_coarse,noec,novc,lintc,ldirc);
0099 %v=A*p;
0100 v=A*z;
0101 alpha=rr0/(rtilde'*v);
0102 s=r-alpha*v;
0103 ss=precoasc(s,param,noei,lint,p_unity,...
0104     xy, ww, nov, x,wx,y,wy,xx, jacx,yy,jacy,...
0105     Aq1, wwq1, linte, nove,nvle,...
0106     Ac, Acb, wwc, r0t,lista_coarse,noec,novc,lintc,ldirc);
0107 t=A*ss;
0108 w=(t'*s)/(t'*t);
0109 u=u+alpha*z+w*ss;
0110 r=s-w*t;
0111 rr=rtilde'*r;
0112 beta=rr/rr0;
0113 p=r+(rr*alpha)/(rr0*w)*(p-w*v);
0114 rr0=rr;
0115 err=sqrt(r'*r)/normar0;
0116 if(abs(alpha)<eps) err=0; 
0117     disp('schwarz_pcg: a break occurred')
0118 end
0120 %fprintf('iter=%d alpha=%12.6e err=%12.6e \n',iter,alpha,err)
0121 %res=[res;err];
0122 iter=iter+1;
0123 rr0=rr;
0126 %fprintf('It. Bicgstab %d, err %13.6e \n',iter,err)
0127 end
0128 if err>tol & iter>=itmax
0129 fprintf('The method does not converge in %d iterations\n',iter)
0130 end
0131 res=err;
0132 return

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