Home > Src > Elliptic_2d > Schwarz > partition_e.m



PARTITION_E Unity partition for the extended mesh


function [p_unity]=partition_e(nove,nvle,noe)


  PARTITION_E   Unity partition for the extended mesh


 Input : nove = 2-index array of "extended local" to global map, 
        nvle = 2-index array:
                 nvle (:,1)=number of nodes of the extendend elements
                 nvle (:,2)=number of Q1 elements of the extendend elements
                            along x-direction
                 nvle (:,3)=number of Q1 elements of the extendend elements
                            along y-direction
        noe = global number of nodes

 Output : p_unity = Unity partition for the extended mesh


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [p_unity]=partition_e(nove,nvle,noe)
0002 %  PARTITION_E   Unity partition for the extended mesh
0003 %
0004 %  [p_unity]=partition_e(nove,nvle,noe)
0005 %
0006 % Input : nove = 2-index array of "extended local" to global map,
0007 %        nvle = 2-index array:
0008 %                 nvle (:,1)=number of nodes of the extendend elements
0009 %                 nvle (:,2)=number of Q1 elements of the extendend elements
0010 %                            along x-direction
0011 %                 nvle (:,3)=number of Q1 elements of the extendend elements
0012 %                            along y-direction
0013 %        noe = global number of nodes
0014 %
0015 % Output : p_unity = Unity partition for the extended mesh
0017 %   Written by Paola Gervasio
0018 %   $Date: 2007/04/01$
0020 [ldnov,ne]=size(nove);
0021 p_unity=zeros(noe,1);
0022 for ie=1:ne
0023 for i=1:nvle(ie,1);
0024     ii=nove(i,ie);
0025     p_unity(ii)=p_unity(ii)+1;
0026 end
0027 end
0028 p_unity=1./p_unity;
0029 return

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