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ELLPRECOFEM_1D FEM-preconditioned SEM-appx of 1D second order b.v.p.


function [xy,un,A,M,AFE,MFE,MFEd,d,kappa,param]=ellprecofem_1d(xa,xb,nu,beta, gam,ff,cb,ub,ne,nx,param);


 ELLPRECOFEM_1D  FEM-preconditioned SEM-appx of 1D second order b.v.p.

   Numerical solution (or eigenvalues compuation) 
          of the 1D boundary value problem

     -nu u''+ beta*u' + gam u =f      xa < x < xb
      Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions
 by Galerkin Numerical Integration with LGL quadrature formulas
    preconditioner by FEM matrices

 Useful to reproduce results on iterative condition numbers (1D case) 
 published in Ch4. of CHQZ2.

        beta, gam,ff,cb,ub,ne,nx,param);

 Input: xa, xb = extrema of computational domain Omega=(xa,xb)
      nu   = viscosity (constant>0)
      beta  = coefficient of first order term (constant)
      gam   = coefficient of zeroth order term (constant>=0)
      ff  = r.h.s. solution (ff=@(x)[ff(x)], with .*, .^, ./)
      cb = string containing boundary conditions, for example
           cb='dn' imposes Dirichlet in xa and Neumann in xb,
           possible b.c.: Dirichlet, Neumann
      ub = 2 components array with Dirichlet, Neumann (pure derivative) 
           data in xa and in xb
      ne = number of elements (equally spaced)
      nx = polynomial degree in each element (the same in each element)
             to be set only if p=4, otherwise, nx=p;

      param = parameters array :
    param(1)= choice of the preconditioner:
             0 : P=I
             1 : P=K_FE            (4.4.45), pag. 221, CHQZ2
             2 : P=M_FE^{-1}K_FE   (4.4.46), pag. 221, CHQZ2
             3 : P=M_FE,d^{-1}K_FE   (4.4.47), pag. 221, CHQZ2
             4 : P=M_FE^{-1/2}K_FE M_FE^{-1/2}  (4.4.48), pag. 221, CHQZ2
                 A=M_GNI^{-1/2}K_GNI M_GNI^{-1/2}
             5 : P=KM_FE<d^{-1/2}K_FE M_FE,d^{-1/2}_FE (4.4.49), pag. 221, CHQZ2
                 A=M_GNI^{-1/2}K_GNI M_GNI^{-1/2}
    param(2)= choice of the solver:
             1 : Conjugate Gradient, only for symmetric preconditioners:
                 usable only if param(1)=1, 4, 5
             2 : Bi-CGStab (VDV), usable for any choice of param(1)
            11 : eigenvalues computation, to have iterative condition 
            12 : singular values computation, to have 2-norm condition 
    param(3) = tolerance for the solver: 
               stopping test is: ||r^k||_2/||r^0||_2 < tol
               (not used if param(2)=11 | param(2)=12)
    param(4) = maximum iteration number for the solver
               (not used if param(2)=11 | param(2)=12)

 Output: xy = 1D mesh
         un = numerical solution 
         A = Stiffness matrix K_GNI (formula (4.4.43), pag. 219 CHQZ2)
         M = Mass matrix K_GNI (formula (4.4.43), pag. 219 CHQZ2)
         AFE = FEM Stiffness matrix K_FE (Tab. 4.6, pag. 221, CHQZ2)
         MFE = FEM Mass matrix (Tab. 4.6, pag. 221, CHQZ2)
         MFE = FEM Mass matrix with numerical integration 
                      (Tab. 4.6, pag. 221, CHQZ2)
         d = eigenvalues or singular values of the preconditioned matrix
         kappa = iterative or 2-norm condition number (if param(2)=11, 12)
         param(11) = iterations required by the solver
         param(12) = residual at the last iterations

 References: CHQZ2 = C. Canuto, M.Y. Hussaini, A. Quarteroni, T.A. Zang,
                    "Spectral Methods. Fundamentals in Single Domains"
                    Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2006.
             VDV = van der Vorst, Henk A.,
                   "Iterative Krylov methods for large linear systems"
                   Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics, 13. 
                   Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,  2003.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [xy,un,A,M,AFE,MFE,MFEd,d,kappa,param]=ellprecofem_1d(xa,xb,nu,...
0002     beta, gam,ff,cb,ub,ne,nx,param);
0003 % ELLPRECOFEM_1D  FEM-preconditioned SEM-appx of 1D second order b.v.p.
0004 %
0005 %   Numerical solution (or eigenvalues compuation)
0006 %          of the 1D boundary value problem
0007 %
0008 %     -nu u''+ beta*u' + gam u =f      xa < x < xb
0009 %      Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions
0010 %
0011 % by Galerkin Numerical Integration with LGL quadrature formulas
0012 %    preconditioner by FEM matrices
0013 %
0014 % Useful to reproduce results on iterative condition numbers (1D case)
0015 % published in Ch4. of CHQZ2.
0016 %
0017 %
0018 %  [xy,un,A,M,AFE,MFE,MFEd,d,kappa,param]=ellprecofem_1d(xa,xb,nu,...
0019 %        beta, gam,ff,cb,ub,ne,nx,param);
0020 %
0021 % Input: xa, xb = extrema of computational domain Omega=(xa,xb)
0022 %      nu   = viscosity (constant>0)
0023 %      beta  = coefficient of first order term (constant)
0024 %      gam   = coefficient of zeroth order term (constant>=0)
0025 %      ff  = r.h.s. solution (ff=@(x)[ff(x)], with .*, .^, ./)
0026 %      cb = string containing boundary conditions, for example
0027 %           cb='dn' imposes Dirichlet in xa and Neumann in xb,
0028 %           possible b.c.: Dirichlet, Neumann
0029 %      ub = 2 components array with Dirichlet, Neumann (pure derivative)
0030 %           data in xa and in xb
0031 %      ne = number of elements (equally spaced)
0032 %      nx = polynomial degree in each element (the same in each element)
0033 %             to be set only if p=4, otherwise, nx=p;
0034 %
0035 %      param = parameters array :
0036 %    param(1)= choice of the preconditioner:
0037 %             0 : P=I
0038 %                 A=K_GNI
0039 %             1 : P=K_FE            (4.4.45), pag. 221, CHQZ2
0040 %                 A=K_GNI
0041 %             2 : P=M_FE^{-1}K_FE   (4.4.46), pag. 221, CHQZ2
0042 %                 A=M_GNI^{-1}K_GNI
0043 %             3 : P=M_FE,d^{-1}K_FE   (4.4.47), pag. 221, CHQZ2
0044 %                 A=M_GNI^{-1}K_GNI
0045 %             4 : P=M_FE^{-1/2}K_FE M_FE^{-1/2}  (4.4.48), pag. 221, CHQZ2
0046 %                 A=M_GNI^{-1/2}K_GNI M_GNI^{-1/2}
0047 %             5 : P=KM_FE<d^{-1/2}K_FE M_FE,d^{-1/2}_FE (4.4.49), pag. 221, CHQZ2
0048 %                 A=M_GNI^{-1/2}K_GNI M_GNI^{-1/2}
0049 %    param(2)= choice of the solver:
0050 %             1 : Conjugate Gradient, only for symmetric preconditioners:
0051 %                 usable only if param(1)=1, 4, 5
0052 %             2 : Bi-CGStab (VDV), usable for any choice of param(1)
0053 %            11 : eigenvalues computation, to have iterative condition
0054 %                 number
0055 %                 kapit(P^{-1}A)=|lambda_max(P^{-1}A)|/|lambda_min(P^{-1}A)|
0056 %            12 : singular values computation, to have 2-norm condition
0057 %                 number
0058 %                 k_2(P^{-1}A)=sigma_max(P^{-1}A)/sigma_min(P^{-1}A)
0059 %    param(3) = tolerance for the solver:
0060 %               stopping test is: ||r^k||_2/||r^0||_2 < tol
0061 %               (not used if param(2)=11 | param(2)=12)
0062 %    param(4) = maximum iteration number for the solver
0063 %               (not used if param(2)=11 | param(2)=12)
0064 %
0065 %
0066 % Output: xy = 1D mesh
0067 %         un = numerical solution
0068 %         A = Stiffness matrix K_GNI (formula (4.4.43), pag. 219 CHQZ2)
0069 %         M = Mass matrix K_GNI (formula (4.4.43), pag. 219 CHQZ2)
0070 %         AFE = FEM Stiffness matrix K_FE (Tab. 4.6, pag. 221, CHQZ2)
0071 %         MFE = FEM Mass matrix (Tab. 4.6, pag. 221, CHQZ2)
0072 %         MFE = FEM Mass matrix with numerical integration
0073 %                      (Tab. 4.6, pag. 221, CHQZ2)
0074 %         d = eigenvalues or singular values of the preconditioned matrix
0075 %         kappa = iterative or 2-norm condition number (if param(2)=11, 12)
0076 %         param(11) = iterations required by the solver
0077 %         param(12) = residual at the last iterations
0078 %
0079 %
0080 % References: CHQZ2 = C. Canuto, M.Y. Hussaini, A. Quarteroni, T.A. Zang,
0081 %                    "Spectral Methods. Fundamentals in Single Domains"
0082 %                    Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2006.
0083 %             VDV = van der Vorst, Henk A.,
0084 %                   "Iterative Krylov methods for large linear systems"
0085 %                   Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics, 13.
0086 %                   Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,  2003.
0088 %   Written by Paola Gervasio
0089 %   $Date: 2007/04/01$
0091 % check if the choice for the  preconditioner and the solver are  compatible
0092 xy=[];un=[];A=[];M=[];AFE=[];MFE=[];MFEd=[];d=[];kappa=1;
0094 if param(2)==1
0095     if(param(1)==2 | param(1)==3)
0096 fprintf(' The choice for the  preconditioner and the solver are not compatible\n');
0097 return
0098     end
0099 end
0102 npdx=nx+1;
0104 [x,wx]=xwlgl(npdx); dx=derlgl(x,npdx);
0106 % nov
0107 ldnov=npdx; nov=zeros(ldnov,ne);
0108 [nov]=cosnov_1d(npdx,ne,nov);
0109 noe=nov(npdx,ne);
0111 % Uniform decomposition of  Omega in ne elements
0113 [xx,jacx,xy,ww]=mesh_1d(xa,xb,ne,npdx,nov,x,wx);
0115 % ww contains the diagonal of the mass matrix
0117 % G-NI  Stiffness and Mass Matrices assembling
0118 if beta==0
0119 A=stiff_1d_se(npdx,ne,nov,wx,dx,jacx); 
0120 A=nu*A;
0121 else
0122 A=ad_1d_se(npdx,ne,nov,nu,beta,wx,dx,jacx); 
0123 end    
0124 M=spdiags(ww,0,noe,noe);
0125 if gam ~=0
0126     A=A+gam*M;
0127 end
0128 % Right hand side
0129 f=(ff(xy)).*ww;
0131 % Setting Dirichlet boundary conditions on the matrix on r.h.s
0132 if cb(1)=='d'
0133 f(1)=ub(1); i1=2;
0134 elseif cb(1)=='n'
0135 f(1)=f(1)-nu*ub(1);i1=1;
0136 end
0137 if cb(2)=='d'; 
0138 f(noe)=ub(2);i2=noe-1;
0139 elseif cb(2)=='n'
0140 f(noe)=f(noe)+nu*ub(2);i2=noe;
0141 end
0145 % Reduce the system to non-Dirichlet unknowns
0146 lint=(i1:i2);
0147 if cb=='dd'
0148 f(lint)=f(lint)-A(lint,1)*ub(1)-A(lint,noe)*ub(2);
0149 elseif cb=='dn'
0150 f(lint)=f(lint)-A(lint,1)*ub(1);
0151 elseif cb=='nd'
0152 f(lint)=f(lint)-A(lint,noe)*ub(2);    
0153 end
0155 f=f(lint);
0156 noeint=i2-i1+1;
0158 if param(1)~=0
0159 % FEM  Stiffness and Mass Matrices assembling
0160 [AFE,MFE,MFEd]=femp1_preco_1d(npdx,ne,nov,jacx,xy,nu,beta,gam,param);
0162 % Setting Dirichlet boundary conditions on the preconditioned stiffness matrix
0164 AFE=AFE(lint,lint);
0165 MFE=MFE(lint,lint);
0166 MFEd=MFEd(lint,lint);
0167 end
0168 A=A(lint,lint);
0169 M=M(lint,lint);
0171 % Pre solver
0172 if param(1)==0
0173     P=speye(noeint);
0174     A1=A;f1=f;
0175 elseif param(1)==1
0176     P=AFE;
0177     A1=A;f1=f;
0178 elseif param(1)==2 
0179     P=M*inv(MFE)*AFE;
0180     A1=A;f1=f;
0181 elseif param(1)==3
0182     P=M*inv(MFEd)*AFE;
0183     A1=A;f1=f;
0184 elseif param(1)==4 
0185     MFE1=full(MFE);MFE1=sqrtm(MFE1);MFE1=inv(MFE1);
0186     M1=inv(sqrt(M));
0187     P=MFE1'*AFE*MFE1;
0188     A1=M1*A*M1;
0189     f1=M1*f;
0190 elseif param(1)==5   
0191     MFEd1=inv(sqrt(MFEd)); 
0192     M1=inv(sqrt(M));
0193     P=MFEd1*AFE*MFEd1;
0194     A1=M1*A*M1;
0195     f1=M1*f;
0196 end
0198 % solve the linear system
0200 u0=zeros(noeint,1);
0202 if param(2)==1
0203     % CG to solve linear system
0204 [un,iter,res]=precg(A1, f1, u0, param(3), param(4),P,param(1));
0205 if param(1)==4 | param(1)==5
0206     un=M1*un;
0207 end
0208 if cb=='dd'
0209 un=[ub(1);un;ub(2)];
0210 elseif cb=='dn'
0211 un=[ub(1);un];
0212 elseif cb=='nd'
0213 un=[un;ub(2)];
0214 end
0215 param(11:12)=[iter,res];
0217 elseif param(2)==2
0218     % Bicgstab to solve linear system
0219 [un,iter,res]=pbcgstab_vdv(A1, f1, u0, param(3), param(4),P,param(1));
0221 if param(1)==4 | param(1)==5
0222     un=M1*un;
0223 end
0224 if cb=='dd'
0225 un=[ub(1);un;ub(2)];
0226 elseif cb=='dn'
0227 un=[ub(1);un];
0228 elseif cb=='nd'
0229 un=[un;ub(2)];
0230 end
0231 param(11:12)=[iter,res];
0233 elseif param(2)==11
0234 % compute eigenvalues and the iterative condition number
0235 C=inv(P)*A1;
0236 OPTS.disp=0;
0237 d1=eigs(C,3,'LM',OPTS);d2=eigs(C,3,'SM',OPTS);
0238 kappa=max(abs(d1))/min(abs(d2));
0239 elseif param(2)==12
0240 % compute singular values and the 2-norm condition number
0241 C=inv(P)*A1;
0242 OPTS.disp=0;
0243 d1=svds(C,3,'L',OPTS);d2=svds(C,3,0,OPTS);
0244 kappa=max(d1)/min(d2);
0245 end
0246 return    

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